
From a distance...

Ole Red-Shirt longs for the young latex glove.

Your everyday midtown romance.

October's been cold

The puddles are already starting to freeze... either that or the abominable snowman puked on his way out of johnny utah's.

Don't you wanna... ?





a cherry tomato, a glove, & a cigarette stick walk into a puddle...

and the roach says, "yes please."

Where to?

Just take me beyond that body of water... thanks.

Puddle Slippers

Some dude obviously tried crossing this body of water w/o getting wet but gave up early on.

Teste & Hair Clip Stare it out

No one's winning this fight.

White Antenna

Someone better call Time Warner because this puddle's trying to get hooked up for cable.

Garbage Mouth

Everything & the kitchen sink. Sticks/ news/ kups/ empty stick packs/ baby strollers etc.

Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.


a modestly young puddle.


Square Juice

Sometimes the blob formation just doesn't cut it. This puddle wants you to know its better than the others.

Anyone in there?

Not only do we have a strong side puddle ON the sidewalk but there seems to be a young boy taking a bath in the gutter puddle.

Great Lakes


bebe stix

the sky was beautiful today.

Size Matters

My cigarette stick is bigger than yours.

Excuse me sir...

...it seems as though you dropped your brain.

Cigg Bile

This is what happens when you smoke sticks. Your inner-bile-fluid oozes out the filter.


Emo Puddle

1916 Ford Lube-Piston

This fell out of someone's rumble-seat. It has since drowned.

Smoke Plume

Not sure how this happened but there was actually a cloud of smoke in this rail-puddle.

Skinnily Stagnant

Oh yeah and throw a few cigarette sticks in there while you're at it.

White Coil Sprocket Drowns

Some giant robot lost its middle finger.

Emulsion Swirl Fusion



Coffee Please

1 Creamer & 2 Equals please. Oh yeah... and a cigarette stick. Thx.


Get Wet or Die Tryin'

This roach just couldn't make it. oh. so. close.

When is adult swim?

Where is everybody?


Again, we see a common theme with puddles. The notorious cigarette-stick-side-car.

Green Pekoe Tea

2 tea bags please? Me cup is large.

Oil Spill in Rockefella Ctr.

What's that spout coming out of that econoline?


Johnny 5 Wuz Here

The Rapids

At this section of the river a glove is being swept away with nothing to grab onto. We eventually watched it die into the sewer.

56th Street Community Pool

Adult Swim: 12pm - 2pm every other Wednesday.

BMW Meets Urban Creek

If you look closely at the back tire you can see the poop water flowing into the cars blood-stream.